If you would like to stay at La Laiterie or Les Ecuries, here are the steps of booking with us:
- Check the availability pages to see if your gite is free for your holiday dates and then ring or email us as soon as possible with the dates you require and the name of the gite you want to reserve.
- We will then send you an email confirming the availability and price of your gite and include all the details you will need to pay your deposit, which is 25% of the total cost of your holiday, together with a booking form which you will need to complete and return to us.
- Payment is usually made by bank transfer to our UK bank account.
Please note your deposit is only refundable until 4 weeks before the start of your holiday when your final payment is due; so please do make sure you are covered by cancellation insurance in case of cancellation after this date.
By paying the deposit you are confirming that you are over 18 years of age and that you have read and agreed to our Terms & Conditions. - The final balance, which will include a £200 refundable security deposit, will need to be paid no later than 4 weeks before the start of your holiday and is non-refundable.
- Start planning what to wear!